Dieing from drinking too much water?

I know that people can die from over loading on food and drink. But i didn't think it possible to die from water. Why can this happen and exactly how much do you have to drink for it to happen? And what happens when it happens? Do you just sort of drop dead, or is it a stage by stage thing?

This is known as "water intoxication." It's not so much that you have too much water, but that you dilute the necessary electrolytes in your body (particularly sodium) by rapidly ingesting too much water.
You can get internal injuries from being over-hydrated.
its salt water... the salt dries up your body fluids and u die
It is called water intoxication. Basically, your body cannot absorb too much water and you drown.
It is called water intoxication. Drinking to much water can throw your electrolytes out of balance. Take a look at this web page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/water_poiso...
Water intoxication can occur when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is altered by a rapid intake of water. This can cause brain swelling, seizures, coma or death. It does not happen right away, but over time.
Lets put it this way it accelerates every cell in your body increases metabolism universally, intensifies sensory perception in every cell, how do you think it would feel with 20,000 sensory receptors per square inch of skin intensifying the pain in every nerve.

It would enhance and intensify the pain everywhere the damage occurred.
It'll also make your brain and other tissues swell.

This just happened: A women died from water intoxication. The body has too much water, and not enough sodium and it creates an imbalance in electrical signals in your body (heart can stop) and also creates problems for the kidneys.

This woman died 5 hours after injesting a large quantity of water and it seemed to occur in stages, as she first reported an extreme headache and died a few hours later. I think they can treat you if they know you have water intoxication by pumping your stomache and also giving you electrolytes in a concentrated form. You could probably treat yourself too if you thought you had this by eating spoonfulls of salt?
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