Can TMJ cause a sharp, shooting pain INSIDE of the ear?

I just had a pencil between my lips when my ear began to have a sharp pain shoot through it. I have had that pain before in this ear and the other one. I can't remember what I was doing when it happened before.

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I say yes, because I suffer from TMJ and the same thing happens to me if I'm not careful.
definite maybe
TMJ can cause a sharp, shooting pain inside the ear. TMJ is not the only thing that can cause than type of pain. It would probably be the first thing that would be looked at since those joints can cause quite a bit of pain through the area and inside the ear.

You should probably see either your doctor or dentist and see what is happening.
Yes it can cause pain in the ear, the muscles around your ear and even headaches. Among some of the problems that it causes. You need to find out whats cause this, are you grinding your teeth at night?, are you stressing and clenching your teeth alot? Massage can help with the muscles, but you might need a mouth guard or even chiropractic help to help realign you jaw.
i have tmj and it can make very bad pains in your ears i am also going to be a nurse
Yes. Sometimes very painful. My children say at dinnertime. Mom If you want to eat steak or bread with us at dinnertime go to the Other Room. If you have TMJ you know what I'm talking about.It cracks It pops It's painful.
Yes. PLease get it checked befoe it becomes worse. Ant it can become MUSH worse. Your dentist may want to put you in a bit splint at night. Please don't use the ones in the drug store because they can make it worse. take it frome one who had to have maj. surg. for it. please get it looked into NOW rather that later. I wrote you a detailed anwser and then I belive I deleated it when I was word checking it. OH I can do weird things using the computer. I am use to counseling not writing LOL!!!!!!
Hope this helps. PEACE and Love. Peachie
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