Cortisol levels...?

Does anybody know about the negative effects of low cortisol level? And what does cortisol do?

It's a natural anti inflammatory hormone.

You have 87 hormones in your body. We are nutritionally deficient due to modern day agricultural practices, so we are barely able to feed our hormones any longer. Thus, we get anxiety, depression, high cholesterol, blood sugar problems, excessive weight gain, itchy skin, etc...

When you eat phytosterols, which are in leafy green vegetables, yams, cherries etc... your enzymes convert it to DHEA, your youth hormone.

There are two metabolic pathways, and one of those pathways converts it to cortisol and cortisone's.

If you are low in cortisol, chances are you are like most of us... low in phytosterols to feed your hormones and balance your hormonal system naturally.

See, and click on the stories tab and look up women's issues or depression... all are hormonal issues... and then listen to the audio of people who have supplemented with phytosterols along with immune system support and cell defense and repair... and they will explain how their body balanced and corrected the problem they were experiencing.
Cotisol is associated with anxiety. Negative aeffects can be heart realated problems, high blood pressure, and weight gain.
Feature articles on cortisol:
Study: Exercise helps speed wound healing in older adults (press release)
The body's ability to heal even small skin wounds normally slows down as we age. But a new study in older adults finds that regular exercise may speed up the wound-healing process by as much as 25 percent. "This is the first time we've been able to document this...

Baby girls born to mothers burdened by stress may be at risk for fibromyalgia (press release)
Experiences while in the womb can have long-term consequences Stressful or traumatic events experienced during pregnancy can have long-lasting effects on the fetus, yet these effects may not become apparent until many years later, according...

Recovering from adrenal fatigue: How your body can overcome chronic stress and feel energized again
The easy, relaxed lifestyle experienced by our ancestors no longer exists, and we're not even aware of how much stress we're under. The problem? "Our lifestyles have changed, but our bodies haven't," Dr. James Wilson said in his November lecture at the First Arizona Choices Exposition in Tucson, Ariz...

New Research In Mind-Body Medicine Shows That Social Interaction Accelerates Healing
A new study conducted at Ohio State University and published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology has revealed that having social interaction makes wounds heal faster. In fact, this study demonstrated that wounds heal twice as fast in subjects who had social interaction compared to those...
Cortisol is released from the zona fasiculata in the adrenal glands via a long neuro-endocrine pathway from the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus produces a chemical called CRH (corticotropin releasing factor) which signals to the pituitary gland to produce ACTH (adrenocorticotropin hormone) which signals to the adrenal glands, specifically the zona fasiculata to release cortisol into the blood.

Cortisol has the following actions in the body:
- increase in blood pressure and glucose concentrations (glucose is your energy source)
- increases the glycogen formation in the liver (stored glucose)
- Inhibits inflammation & bone formation

There are two types of diseases related to cortisol levels:
hyper (too much) secretion: Cushings Disease. In this disease a person will develop a "moon face", enlarged posterior neck called the "buffalo hump" , stretch marks, englarged fat accumulation in the abdomen, facial hair growth, acne, muscle weakness, easy bruising and fatigue.
Basically think of it in this way, in terms of what cortisol does:
- you will have high blood pressure
- high blood sugar from the glucose (leading to diabetes)
- a fatty liver from the excess glycogen storage
- Thin bones that break easily
- No immune system (you will get sick easily).
This disorder could stem from a problem in the hypothalamus, the pituitary, or the adrenal gland. All of which can be treated with surgery (for tumors) and/or medications to breakdown the excess cortisol.

The other disorder is a hypo (too little) secretion called Addison's Disease. President J.F.K had this disease. In this disease there is no or too little production of cortisol by the adrenal glands. Symptoms include the following:
chronic worsening fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting , diarrhea, and skin changes with areas of hyperpigmentation, or dark tanning, covering exposed and nonexposed parts of the body (generally an orange to tan color).
In terms of what cortisol does:
- too low of a blood pressure (this can make you nausious, faint, and sick)
- not enough glucose in the blood (this makes you tired, and have weight loss because you body will break down fat for energy, which also gives you diarrhea)
- Not enough glycogen storage which also contributes to the fatigue and sick feelings
- Normal immune system
- Thick or thicker bones than normal
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