Copeing with a lazy eye?

I think I may have a lazy eye, but its not horribly noticable at first. I actually think I made myself develop it because I never had it as a kid. Anyway, I really want to look into peoples eyes without feeling the self-conciousness of not having symmetrical eyes. I try to not think about my eyes but its hard. Can some one help?

Okay, first, you cannot possibly look into both of a person's eye. No one can.

Even if you have perfect vision, if you are up-close to a person and trying to look in both eyes at once, your eyes will be just darting from looking into one of their eyes, then another, or will focus on the nose or area between the eyes.

I promise. It's medical fact. With healthy eyes, they work to focus on a single point.

I know, because I happen to have strabismus (which is what some of us prefer to call it, rather than "lazy eye"). In that circumstance, you would have difficulty, or be totally unable to, bring your eyes together to focus on that one point. This could result in a tiny shadowing of the object (you're getting two views of the object and have trouble pulling them together), or seeing double completely. It usually gets worse when you're tired or not focused, or if you've tried focusing on something for long periods of time.

You should go see your optometrist, though, because over time, it can actually wear down how clearly you see, it can cause headaches, and it can throw off your depth perception (making driving and other tasks difficult or dangerous). He'll be able to test to see if you have strabismus.

If you do, you can opt to have glasses (not usually contacts, since your glasses will contain prisms to help pull your lines of sight back together) or to have surgery.

My grandfather has it, I have several relatives with it, I have it, and my two kids have it. My oldest child had surgery when he was two, and will probably need it again in the next few years. My youngest hasn't yet, but will. I am third on the list for surgery for it, since mine is BAD and the glasses dont' always help. At the moment, I wear glasses.

My eye doctor is a family friend, and he is actually more worried about my eyes than I am, because it worries him that I drive my kids around. Seriously, go see your doctor.
go see an eye doctor. if its new you may be able to change it. you can get a patch on your good eye so your bad eye works harder and gets better. you won't have to wear it all the time, only like a couple hours after school.
See and ophthalmologist. They are congenital and if you did not have one then, I doubt you do now.
Go to your local pharmacy and buy yourself an eye patch. Wear the eye patch over your GOOD eye for an hour a day (when you are at home) to strengthen the weaker eye. My optometrist told me to do this; it really works.
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